Latest on Cavanna Homes Bostons Boat Yard from TOWRA
For all residents here is some information on the development in former Boston’s Boatyard
A meeting was held at 37 The Old Wharf on Friday 3rd May at 3pm with David Smith (Build Manager ) from Cavanna Homes and Peter and Penny Lenthall, Lilianna Grainger, Tim Brighton and Pat Constable.
The purpose of the meeting was;
a) to get an update on the construction work in Boston’s Boatyard and
b) to bring residents’ concerns and queries to the attention of the developer’s representative.
Update on construction work
The development is expected to take 3 years to complete. Blockwork to start January 2014
1. Current demolition and remediation is almost completed but specialist foundation work will continue for approx. 6 months.
2. There will be considerable noisy work needed at the waters’ edge next to no.53, repairing the seawall, drilling down piles and slabbing to provide a foundation for the waterfront houses. The level of the land there is to be raised by 1 metre. This work to possibly start in September and last 6-8 weeks.
3. Drilling to stabilize the cliff face will also take 6-8 weeks – no firm start date. This is another noisy operation but working hours should be confined between 9-5 with no weekend working.
4. There were no plans to erect acoustic fencing at this time.
5. Site traffic will be directed by AA signs to the site entrance leading from Baylys Road and all construction traffic and contractors’ vehicles should be parked within the boatyard not on The Old Wharf.
6) All site traffic will be directed to enter and leave Oreston via Plymstock road to Dean Cross traffic lights. No construction traffic should use Oreston Road and pass the school . Cavanna Homes will be applying for a “Weekday, Daytime No Parking” restriction for Baylys Road, the bottom end of Orchard Crescent, Plymstock Road to the corner junction with Oreston Road. This will apply to both sides of these roads.
Concerns of Residents
1. The Nature Reserve/bund. Some clearing of scrub will take place and bird/bat boxes erected. It was unclear what would happen to the top section.
2. The junction to the new development. This will be a T-junction for residents and their visitors only.
3 The junction with the cycle path. A rumble strip across The Old Wharf is planned – it was suggested that if residents wanted further improvements to this section of the present road this should be taken up directly with PCC Highways through a section 38 agreement.
4. The boundary fence around the boatyard. Under the planning agreement this is to be replaced – it was suggested that if The Residents Association wrote formally to Cavanna Homes, it might be possible to retain it as it is maintenance free and acts as a barrier between the vegetation and the highway.
5. Pathways behind nos. 49-53. Uncertainty about how this will link to the new development pathway. The developer’s representative described some sort of ramp and secure gate. More details are needed on this.
6. Ownership of seawall and slipway and grass verges behind nos 32-53. This is to be retained by Mr Boston.
7. Name of new road. This will be decided by PCC but in past experience they are open to suggestions. !!!!!
The meeting closed at 3.45pm and it was agreed that future meetings between both parties would be useful. Your committee is continuing to work with the developers and Plymouth City Council in an effort to minimise disruption to the residents of The Old Wharf and our overall environment.
Other News
Thanks to the generosity of residents in donating raffle prizes and supporting the St George’s Day Dinner in April we have been able to send a cheque for £280 to the Stroke Association. Thank you to all concerned for their efforts in raising this amount. Please let your Secretary know if there is a charity which you would like The Old Wharf Residents Association to support and the suggestion can be considered at the next committee meeting.
We were told by David Smith from Cavanna Homes, that the new development will have a management company to look after the landscaping of communal areas within the completed site. This may amount to several hundred pounds a year for the future householders of Bostons Boatyard.
We are fortunate at The Old Wharf in that our public open spaces are managed by Plymouth City Council through our rates. The additional work which residents do using machinery paid for and owned by The Old Wharf Residents Association enhances the appearance of our grassy areas but volunteers are needed.
Our equipment is kindly kept on our behalf by the following residents :-
A sit down lawn mower is at number 30 with Bill Viles
A small petrol lawn mower and a strimmer are at number 37 with Peter Lenthall
Another petrol lawn mower is kept at number 12 with Allan Jones
A petrol strimmer is at number 9 with Joe Thomas
Arrange directly with any one of these should you wish to volunteer an hour or two to help with the maintenance. The Council will only cut our grass 13 times during the season and are not always able to clear away the cuttings so any help from our own residents will improve the overall appearance of the landscaping.
The other piece of equipment owned by The Old Wharf Residents Association is a Weber Barbecue which is currently housed at number 21 by Liliana Grainger and the gaz bottle is at number 15 with Pat Constable. This barbecue is available for any resident to borrow free of charge. It is just one of the perks of paying £1 per adult annually to belong to The Old Wharf Residents Association!!
The following is being planned – A Family Curling Evening – watch out for the details.
Please let the Social Secretary, Rachel Shields at number 3, know if you have some ideas for other social events which you would like to be considered by the Committee.
Some Dates for your Diary
AGM on Tuesday 17th JULY 2013 at 7.30pm in the meeting room of The Plym Yacht Club, The Quay, Oreston, followed by a free finger buffet in the bar area. This is a good opportunity to meet socially with friends and neighbours after the business of the AGM.
And looking ahead to 2014 bookings have already been made for our two very popular dinner events at Staddon Heights Golf Club
Burns Night Friday 24th January 2014 and St Georges Day Dinner Friday 25th April 2014
Finally, a reminder that Environmental Health Officer, Patrick Vawdrey can be contacted on tel. 01752 304875 should noise levels become unacceptable from any of the 3 developments – Barratt Homes in Hooe Quarry or SWW at Radford Treatment Works or Cavanna Homes in Boston’s Boatyard.
Pat Constable (Secretary)
Category: Local Group News, TOWRA