Friend of hooelake.org Kate Humble has had a fairly frantic start to the year with two – almost back-to-back filming trips in Australia and lots of tearing up and down to Scotland for Lambing Live in between. Kate, who is familiar with the area, kindly took the time out to offer a few words and comments that we can use in support of the cause to protect Radford Quarry & Hooe Lake…
‘What a relief that the planning permission for building houses in Radford Quarry has initially been refused. Areas like Radford Quarry and Hooe Lake are becoming increasingly rare. Valuable not just for the diverse wildlife they support, but for their accessibility to people living nearby, who can make the most of the many benefits of having a wonderful wildlife habitat on their doorstep. The fact that this area has so far been saved from development is great news for wildlife and for the local community.’
– Kate Humble
This is a really positive step in helping to raise the profile & awareness of Radford Quarry, and help protect the diverse wildlife that it contains.
Just to recap on the latest: Plymouth City Council unanimously rejected the original planning application last year. Wainhomes appealed and we are now in the process of a public inquiry. The decision being made by the government inspectorate. Plymouth City Council have been vigorously defending their original decision. The appeal is now in recess and will be continued on the 30th March 2015 for 3 days. The decision will then be made by the inspectorate, probably many weeks later.
Update: 12th April 2015: The Inquiry resumed for two days and finished on the 31st of March. We now have to wait for a decision to be made by the Inspectorate Gloria MacFarlane, This may still take many weeks before a final decision is made. As soon as we know the result we will post it on the website and email subscribers.
These are the core reasons why the development was refused planning permission:-
The site is a County Wildlife Site and forms part of Plymouth’s Biodiversity Network. In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the proposal would significantly erode the area’s city-wide function for wildlife and in particular as a foraging area, a buffer to the quality habitats within the quarry itself and as a continuous link, corridor or stepping stone to the habitats of Hooe Lake. The proposal is therefore contrary to paragraphs 109, 114 and 118 of the NPPF and policy CS19 of the Plymouth Local Development Framework 2007.
The site comprises former regenerated quarry workings which form part of a rural tract of countryside in an otherwise built-up area. The site provides a backdrop to the Hooe Lake Area and contributes towards the peaceful and informal recreation enjoyed by people who visit the area. The area acts as a buffer between the urban area and Radford Park and Radford Lake. In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal would result in an inappropriate balance between built and undeveloped elements to the detriment of the character of the area. Further to this the erection of the 4 properties fronting the Foreshore will in particular have a significant impact on the Character of this ‘coastal zone’, turning it from a predominantly area of open greenspace to one of development. The proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to paragraphs 109 and 114 of the NPPF and policies CS18, CS20 and CS34 of the Plymouth Local Development Framework Core Strategy
The land to which this application relates has its access and frontage onto Lower Saltram; and the attraction to the site of an increased number of vehicles by reason of the proposed development would aggravate existing traffic difficulties and be prejudicial to amenity, public safety and convenience. Which is contrary to Policy CS28 and CS34 of the adopted City of Plymouth Local Development Framework Core Strategy adopted April 2007
The proposed development would require the removal of group G4 of TPO 382 which consists of two Ash and two Sycamore. The Local Planning Authority considers that these protected trees provide an important amenity function in the area and their removal would be contrary to paragraph 118 of the NPPF and policy CS18 of the Plymouth Local Development Framework Core-Strategy 2007.
In accordance with the requirements of Article 31 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010 and paragraphs 186 and 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework the Council has worked in a positive and pro-active way with the Applicant [including pre-application discussions and has looked for solutions to enable the grant of planning permission. However the proposal remains contrary to the planning policies set out in the reasons for refusal and was not therefore considered to be sustainable development.
Kate Humble on how Quarries can create a vital lifeline for nature

Interesting video here from Kate Humble and the MPA on how quarries attract wildlife and are being used to create wildlife havens.
Details on the original Wainhomes plans to build in Radford Quarry can be found here
Please add any comments or thoughts below…
So sad I was unable to attend meeting at Guild Hall 28th Jan15. Arr there no petitions to sign? letters to forward? Building any more houses would be disastrous in so many ways!!! Paula, Oreston.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Section 78
APPEAL BY: Wainhomes (South West) Holdings Ltd
PROPOSAL: Development of site by erection of 57 new dwellings, provision of public open spaces, access road, and other associated works
The above Appeal has been made to the Secretary of State for the Environment against the City Council’s decision to refuse planning permission.
The Secretary of State has agreed to determine the Appeal on the basis of an Inquiry.
The City Council is required to notify owners and occupiers of property near the Appeal site who may be affected by the proposed development, so that you may, if you wish, make representations to the Planning Inspectorate.
Please note that any comments that you may already have made as part of the planning application have already been forwarded to the Inspectorate and copies sent to the Appellant and will be taken into account by the Inspector in deciding the appeal. However, should you wish to withdraw or modify your earlier comments in any way, or request a copy of the final appeal decision letter, you should write direct to the following:
The Planning Inspectorate,
Room 3/25, Hawk Wing,
Temple Quay House,
2 The Square,
Temple Quay,
Bristol BS1 6PN
All correspondence should be received by them no later than 31 July 2014 and you should quote Appeal Reference APP/N1160/A/14/2219907. If forwarding additional comments please ensure that three copies are submitted.
For further information on Planning Appeals, please visit the Planning Portal website at http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/appeal.
The City Council’s and Appellant’s statements, if produced, will be available for inspection at the Planning Enquiry Desk, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, Plymouth, during 8.30 – 5pm Monday to Friday from 31 July 2014.
Yours faithfully
Peter Ford
Head of Development Management
Strategic Planning and Infrastructure
I have recently been informed by planning that indeed a new planning application is being put forward and any updated or new objections must be submitted in writing by the end of July.