Hooe Quarry Clearing Activity – Legality?
Are you aware of what has been happening in Hooe Quarry over the past week or so? We have been made aware of recent activity in Hooe Quarry that may be detrimental to the nesting bird population and illegal.
It would appear that the owner of the site has contracted people to cut back the vegetation in the quarry. This action may be an infringement of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 which states that ‘vegetation or site clearance should be done outside of the nesting season (1st March – 31st July inclusive)’ and ‘if clearance work has to be undertaken during the nesting season, a breeding bird survey needs to be carried out by a suitably qualified person.’ A summary of the relevant act can be found here from the Dorset Natural Environment Team.
There is currently no planning permission to clear the site (this lapsed 2-4 years ago) Local residents have not been informed of what is happening – This is a sensitive site in terms of the wildlife and flora as per our recent Hooe Lake Planning Study post and it would appear that the owner of the site (in conjunction with Barratt Homes?) is now clearing it in anticipation of receiving planning permission.
We urge you to contact the Wildlife Conservation Officer Jeremy Sabel at Plymouth County Council 01752 304229 or the local police on 0845 2777 444
Please post your thoughts & comments here
Category: Current Affairs, Environmental, News, Planning
Just to Clarify the current issue is with Hooe Quarry off Barton Road, and not Radford Quarry by Kingfisher Quay.
Thanks for the update Robin. We would appreciate it if all interested parties keep an eye on any further developments in this area and report on going works or activity via the numbers shown above, or by adding comments here.
The Wildlife protection Officer of the Police was alerted and attended on 2nd March. He said that there was a one week grace period at the start and end of the nesting season and so the work was allowed to proceed. It appears that he was misinformed. No record of this proviso has yet been found.
Jeremy Sable knows nothing of this grace period and it seems that much work done on site from 1st March could be illegal.
Barratt Homes have had numerous calls. It is nothing to do with them, in fact they are a bit annoyed as it is unwanted as far as they are concerned and something of a PR disaster. They have sent someone to view the site.
Barratt’s have an option to buy if they get planning permission. Meanwhile it belongs to Hooe Lake Redevelopment, who, allegedly, employed the contractors. Barton Road got a much needed flail mowing on 2nd March but at the wrong time of year and as at 4th March debris has been left strewn over the road.
Meanwhile keep Jeremy Sable informed.