We have put together a Discovery brochure/poster for Radford Park & Hooe Lake, that cover a little of the history and the wildlife of the area, and highlights the reasons for keeping it in it’s natural state. To Raise awareness and help prevent this area from further building development please download the brochure, print it out and wherever possible place it on notice boards and in local shop windows. DOWNLOAD THE POSTER HERE

Here is the text from the brochure…
In a small inlet off Plymouth Sound lies a tidal lake and a freshwater lake in the grounds of Radford Park. In the park is an Arboretum of many diverse trees and shrubs which has been created to not only preserve the area but to act as a haven for wildlife. It is an area of great historic importance which was frequented by such worthies as Sir Francis Drake & Sir Walter Raleigh, who, on a high tide would sail in to Hooe Lake and land their treasures transporting them to Radford House for safe keeping.
Wildlife & Habitats
The area supports a diverse range of rare wildlife including Herons, Egrets, Kingfishers, Cormorants, Moorhens, Curlews, Whimbrels, Redshanks, Greenshanks, Otters, Bats, Badgers & Foxes etc. The Quarries, Hedgerows and Foreshore are a unique haven for Flora, Fauna and for nesting native local species as well as a sanctuary for migratory birds. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) designated the unique area of Radford & Hooe Lake as one of only four sites in Devon as part of their Nation Wide Survey ‘ Birdwatch’.
History of Radford & Hooe Lake
Few people are aware of the prominent role that Radford has played in Plymouth. Radford House in the grounds of Radford Park and Hooe Lake was home to the Harris family from Tudor times. Raleigh & Drake were good friends of the Harris family who were bankers, they often stayed at Radford House and had many financial dealings with them. The defeat of the Armada in 1588 was cause for great celebration in Plymouth and Christopher Harris duly hosted at Radford House the victory banquet in honour of Drake, Raleigh, Howard, Hawkins and the other Captains. The Seafarers gold & silver blocks, monies and riches were often deposited at Radford House before being divided up between Queen Elizabeth, themselves and the ‘hangers on’. Raleigh on the other hand was less fortunate, later being imprisoned at Radford House before being taken, locked in the Tower of London and eventually be-headed for treason.
Radford Park & Arboretum
Situated in what was the North Park of the grounds of Radford House, next to the ornamental duck ponds, boathouse and armoury is one of Plymouth’s most beautiful parks where a fine Arboretum has been established. There are now over a 200 varieties of trees and shrubs in the Arboretum. The Arboretum was awarded ‘ Winner’ of the Royal Horticultural Society ‘Britain in Bloom’ Community Award for 2008, 2009 and South West in Bloom 2012
Radford Quarry – A County Wildlife Site
Radford Quarry is an important and irreplaceable wildlife habitat for many rare and endangered species, it is a ‘County Wildlife Site’ along with Hooe Lake, Radford Lake & Radford Woods. These sites contain some of the best areas of wildlife in the County as designated by the Devon Biodiversity Records Centre (DBRC) and complete a natural wildlife corridor from the land to the sea.
South West Coastal Foot Path
Hooe Lake, Radford Lake and Radford Quarry are on the South West Coastal foot path which is the best way to appreciate the wonderful coastal scenery, wildlife and heritage of Plymouth for visitors and locals alike – As much as possible it should be kept as a natural coastline.
This beautiful area, rich in wildlife and habitats is under constant threat from local housing & business developments. Conservation of these green spaces is imperative. The impact of any development often goes far beyond what is environmentally sustainable and is more often forfeited for financial gain. More housing is short sighted. Any development in this area, if at all, should enhance & embrace it’s wildlife, its unique history and be a contributing factor that enriches Plymouth’s existing waterfront and its maritime heritage.
Help save Radford & Hooe Lake’s habitats, wildlife & heritage
I have recently purchased a property on hooe lake with a beach area and waterfront access and would like to become involved with wildlife and marine conservation within the area and any information thank you
I am very against further development having the development on the other side of Hooe lake is bad enough.
What is the best course of action to stop this? !!!
Its now 20th of January 2014 is it too late to take action against further development?
Absolutely disgusted that the PCC seems determined to build on every last bit of land in Plymouth.
I have walked through Radford Park for over 20 years. I have walked my children to Oreston School, I have walked my dogs every day no matter what the weather, but none of this matters. The peace and tranquility of the area has already been compromised by the developments already. Please don’t destroy anymore!
Your children and grandchildren will lose the opportunity to walk their own children to school whilst exploring in the park,they will never have the chance to train their new puppy to fetch a ball or to try bird watching.
I hope someone finds a conscience before greed destroys it all!
As the building continues to encroach in Plymouth city councils desperation to reach 300,000 residents, this brochure is timely reminder of the oasis we have here
It would be such a destructive development if the latest building plans were to to go ahead. The natural riches of the area would be lost forever and the historical importance of this precious oasis would be submerged for profit. Just at a time when the heritage of Plymouth’s unequalled harbour and adjoining inlets should be preserved for the tourist trade that is so important to the South West it is remarkably shortsighted to destroy this area and deny future generations an irreplaceable piece of their nationhood.