Kingfisher Quay Minutes – Friday 3 June 2011

June 24, 2011 | By | 2 Replies More

Kingfisher Quay Residents Association Meeting – Friday 3 June 2011

20.00 – 44 Lower Saltram


Jackie A, 65 LS

Fiona, 44 LS

Tracey, 46 LS

Jacqui M, 18 KW
Wendy, 57 LS
Brian, 23 KW
Heather, 91 LS

In order to organise the minutes, items are reported by grouping and not necessarily in the order they arose.


Minutes from the previous meeting were agreed.  Updates and actions arising from past meeting are as follows:

A)     Invitation to BBC Watchdog:  e-mail sent 27 Jan, awaiting response. INFO

B)     The status of any ‘Bond’ held by the council over Wainhomes was checked and it was confirmed that there are no bonds. INFO

C)     Jackie A to chase Gary Streeter to clarify land boundaries following on from the meeting/letter from Wainhomes. ACTION

D)     Circulation of the appropriate paragraph from TP1 documentation to residents by e-mail such that Residents may consider quotation in their response to retrospective billing. As of yet there has been no response from residents. INFO

E)      Individual letters of response to retrospective billing. Chris has planned this. ACTION

F)      The Quarry is a point of interest according to the TP1 document. Directors to find out about the quarry/get advice and direction. ACTION

G)     Review of council records to check for builder’s compliance over provision of parking space.  There will be a parking review. Residents to email Mike Leaves as per the newsletter, at present he has received no communication from residents. ACTION

H)     Jackie has contacted the council re: duel bins and there is one due to be delivered – however there is still discussion over who collects the waste. INFO

I)        Wendy to contact Fire department re: access in the estate ACTION

J)       Directors to send a copy Shelley’s letter (to TMS regarding the charges being imposed) to Companies House and Gary Streeter. TMS have now passed this to the directors to deal with. ACTION

2. TMS 

TMS sent the directors certificates to sign on behalf of each of the residents, however there was a few where the address or names were wrong. This is now under review.


The next meeting will be held on Thursday 8 September at 20.00. Location yet to be confirmed. The Kingfisher Quay Management Company AGM will be held in the Yacht Club on Saturday 23 July at 12.00. All residents are welcome to attend.

6. AOB 

Nothing further points risen.


Category: Local Group News

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  1. Jackie Applebee says:

    I agree totally with Steve Elder and would urge Kingfisher Quay Estate members to look at both sites and put their ideas forward. They are both on communal areas. Application 843 is to the rear of 65/67 Lower Saltram; the circles on the trunk indicate a canker infection, the tree is hollow showing signs of death and the roots are pushing down the wall. TMS have obtained quotes for rebuilding the wall only to discover the brick used is not suitable for building walls. Application 844 is in front of 12,14,16,18,20 Kingfisher Way- the horse chestnut tree. Can I also remind members that the AGM is Saturday 23rd July at Plym Yacht Club 12 noon.

  2. Steve Elder No 55 LS says:

    I Spoke with with Jane Turner today (11.7.11)pertaining to the planning application 11/00843/TPO and 11/00844/TPO.
    Jane informs me she will grant a “pollard or ground level” to application 843. However she has vetoed application 844.

    Regarding the execution of application 843, monies spent by the KQRA must be for the benefit of the whole & not a single/couple of individuals. In my opinion agreement must be sought with all residents before any works or monies are spent on these trees.

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