Thank you for Commenting!
I just wanted to say thank you for commenting. It means a lot that you decided to take the effort to comment and contribute to the goings on at The Hooe Lake community is building and your participation and contribution helps make it stronger. Your comment will appear below the original post once approved. If I can answer or point you in the right direction regarding your comments I will. If not it will be there for anyone else to comment on. Thank you.
If you like what you read here and care for Radford Park, Hooe Lake and the surrounding areas then I’d love for you to continue to contribute and really become an member of the community. is run by myself purely on a ‘spare time’ basis and relies on and requires people in the community to notify us of news, events, stories, historic events, pictures & ideas for the website. If you wish to help with keeping the website’s content running and keeping it active in any way then please let me know. If you are a part of a local group that would like to contribute or be visible on the website, again please email.
In the meantime don’t forget that you can do the following:-
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Here are some interesting early posts that often get missed…
Historic Multimedia Walk & Talk – With audio commentary
Radford Arboretum
Vanished Glories
Thanks again for speaking up and becoming part of the community we hope to see you back soon!
Mike George serves as a communal discussion and information point for the protection of Radford & Hooe Lake’s wildlife and habitats.
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